- Nudity or semi-nudity is frowned upon. The missionaries covered us up and it's stuck.
- We drive on the left side of the road.
- It takes 45 minutes to drive around the island of Rarotonga.
- Wear glasses when riding your motorbike or scooter.
- When driving your scooter, watch out for dogs running out in front of you. Approach with caution.
- To avoid the burn of your scooter exhaust get off the left side of your scooter.
- Go with a guide when venturing into the mountains.
- When wearing a flower, wearing it in your right ear means you're single and in your left means you're married, or so they say. If it looks good, it doesn't matter.
- Wear reef shoes when going into the lagoon
- Do not swim in the passages that lead outside the reef to the ocean. Strong currents. If in doubt ask a local.
- Lock up at all times, cars scooters and homes. Paradise ain't perfect.
- Keep an eye on your valuables at the beach.
- Feeding the local dogs will bring them back for more.
- To avoid hefty charges do not roam with your mobile phone on the local network.
- Attempt some Cook Island Maori. Check out our glossary on our 'Rarotonga Guide' page.
- Duty free cigarettes and alcohol is cheaper at our end, although there may not be as great a selection. All the major brands are stocked.
- We do not have eftpos.
- Visa is the mostly widely accepted credit card
PO Box 2165
Rarotonga, Cook Islands
P: (00682) 55519
E: eddie@rentraro.com
© www.rentraro.com 2023